
Home Loan

Expert loan Solutions helps you acquire your dream house at affordable interest rates and for low processing fees. It indeed is a great hassle running from bank to bank to figure out the best suitable loan. Now you can save and utilize your time maybe in beautifully planning your interiors and rest all the efforts on us! Based on your requirement, we bring to you the best solution in terms of the low Interest rates, good loan amount and the best possible tenure.

We provide the following home loans

Regular HL:

This is a very common home loan requirement which ranges from 10 years to 30 years. You will be provided the loan solution based on your loan requirement

Affordable HL:

We understand your budget-based requirement to have a home of your dreams! We possess the ability to provide to you the best possible loan solution which is less than 30 lakhs. We strive to seek banks that would provide 90 percent loan over the actual amount.


If you are not residing in India and you would love to make investments in a residential home at India, this is the right place for you. We can help you easily get sanctions without having to travel to India. We curate the service that helps you get home loans when investing in properties

Balance Transfer HL:

If you wish to proceed on clearing your home loan through a different bank, we will provide our knowledge and support and help you move to your desired bank smoothly. These transfers include transfers from Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs), Private and Foreign Banks, Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) registered with National Housing Bank (NHB) and Borrower’s employers if they are Central/State Govt or their undertakings or Public Sector.

Top up HL:

Buying a home is never the end of the story. There is so much to investing in the house – the décor, the surroundings, etc needs to be catered to as well. At times you need a loan over and above the home loan. In such cases Expert Loan Solutions will help you top up the loan over and above the existing one.